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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Making America Great Again


  1. Took the country back from whom? What? Excited for a tax bill that will add $1.7 trillion to the deficit?

  2. This statement is so true!!!!

  3. And still nothing has been done...still have obamacare and same old tax plan.

  4. 3:12 taking it back from non whites, duh. They replaced the Dem scumbags with Republican scumbags. But somehow if the scumbags are in your political party you overlook their gross misconduct

  5. The divider in chief Obama,raised taxes on the middle class and small businesses up the yingyang while helping the super rich get richer.

  6. 3:12 those are the numbers that the CBO put out. the problem with the CBO scoring is that it does not take into consideration what a tax cut would do to expand the economy. it simply assumes that the economy will stumble along like it has for the past 1o years. it also assumes that congress will not cut spending.(yes that is congress that spends the money not the president). you will note that not only has the debt doubled over the past 8 years but also has spending. It would be a great thing if you had the same snarky comments about spending as you have about debt. it would be a good thing for you to go back to Reagan Years and look at what happened to the economy the last time someone actually cut taxes.

  7. @ 3:12 PM

    Answer: first question, we took our country back from the liberal, progressive, socialist, communist, Marxists, pacifists, extreme environmentalists, to include still fighting the smug fake news.

    Answer: second question, we are taking back our history, our ethics our morals, and our faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave us this great country. "In God we trust"

    Answer: third question, this proposed tax bill is still in the works we do not know what is going on with it but we do know that your president Obama doubled our deficits more than all the other presence in past history.

    So, 3:12 PM, I answered your questions but you're still sitting in your kitchen at your table drinking the Kool-Aid screaming and watching CNN :-)

    signed...EaStern sh0remaN

  8. Some of you don't know the history of Tax Cuts and what they can do for economic growth...Yes, at first, it will look like we're adding debt, but in a short time span you will see how this will make our economic growth BOOM...Tax Cuts Always Work...period

  9. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 8, 2017 at 6:05 PM

    The only ones who don't care about Tax Cuts are those who don't pay taxes. The progress been slwed down by Obstructionist Demo-rats and RINO Republicans in Congress Swamp. What would you expect from slimeball "senators" like Chucky Schumer and John McCain? Until We the People send the out to the pasture, it will be a slow grind every step of the way.

  10. And the grass is greener than ever once again. The place has a crisp clean look once more. Pride!!

  11. Took it Back & Just Gett'in Started !!!! Stay Tuned !!!

  12. One of the most important dates in our country's history, and a turning point for its continued future. We were one election away from its eventual demise.
    Thank you DJT for running and winning the election.
    The optimism is obviously contagious as is evident in the growth of the economy, despite the negative propaganda from liberals and MSM.


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