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Friday, November 10, 2017

Kassam: The Republican Swamp Got the Loss they Wanted, Now They’re Going to Try and Tame Us

Gillespie, as Trump noted late on Tuesday night, was scarcely a MAGA candidate

Earlier on Tuesday, Republicans Under Notional Terms (RUNTs) like Bill Kristol and Evan McMullin took to social media to discourage people thinking of voting for Ed Gillespie.

They wouldn’t have made a massive impact, if any, in the race. But they got what they really wanted: a Democrat Virginia Governor, an “upset” for the Republican Party under Trump, and a chance to pretend “this is a sign we need moderate candidates!”

Bizarrely — laughably even — the pair decided that former lobbyist Ed Gillespie was TOO pro-Trump. Ha!


1 comment:

  1. The election of Trump represented a major shift left in America. He is a Democrat that ran on Bill Clintons 90’s platform. RINO Repubs are the norm. Everyone is shying away from moral conservatism...and America continues it’s tumultuous social decay that will end in chaos.


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