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Saturday, November 04, 2017

Kaepernick Seeks NFL Owners' Cell Phone Records, Depositions To Prove Collusion

In a singificant escalation in the ongoing NFL feud, which one month ago was pushed into overdrive following Trump's slamming of "anthem kneelers", and which now threatens to set players against team owners, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and Houston Texans owner Bob McNair will be deposed and asked to turn over all cellphone records and emails in relation to the Colin Kaepernick collusion case against the NFL, ESPN's Adam Schefter reports quoting a league source.

Other owners as well as team and league officials also will be deposed in relation to the case, ESPN reports with ABC News adding that other owners to be deposed include the Seattle Seahawks' Paul Allen and the San Francisco 49ers' Jed York. The owners were reportedly selected for depositions based on their public statements about either Kaepernick or sideline protests during the national anthem.

As reported last month, Kaepernick's attorney, Mark Geragos, said that the free-agent quarterback had filed a grievance under the collective bargaining agreement alleging collusion against signing him to an NFL contract.

The filing, which demands an arbitration hearing on the matter, says the NFL and its owners "have colluded to deprive Mr. Kaepernick of employment rights in retaliation for Mr. Kaepernick's leadership and advocacy for equality and social justice and his bringing awareness to peculiar institutions still undermining racial equality in the United States."



  1. wow...how does this dirtbag have any right to demand anything? Nobody HAS to hire this POS to play...they don't want him because his "skills" declined. Not to mention he is poison...but the team owners have the absolute right to NOT hire him.

  2. He disrespects the flag of American and those who were killed and wounded defending it. But, he demands America's system of justice honor his request guaranteed by the flag that he finds so disgusting.
    He is lowest form of life that walks (or kneels) in this great country. He is nothing but a narcissist piece of garbage.

  3. What would that prove?

  4. Why does the media continue to embellish on the meaning of his Kneeling?? He stated it was for "social justice", whatever that means. That's all!! I wouldn't be surprised if sooner or later they say it was meant to honor Veterans. This article brings a whole new meaning to the term "leadership".

  5. My question would also be...."who is financing his legal cost?"

  6. When is this dude going to realize he needs to get into a completely different career? Football is done with him!


  7. There are time limits on when he has to file; pretty sure he skated past the deadline. But his celebrity lawyer has represented other luminaries like Michael Jackson, Scott Peterson, and Clinton figures Susan McDougall and Roger Clinton. So carrying water for this Colon makes sense. Hope NFL cleans their clock!


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