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Sunday, November 12, 2017

John McCain Confirms: Tax Reform Is "DOA In The Senate"

It’s official: The Republican tax reform bill is dead on arrival in the Senate now that John McCain has become the third Republican senator to confirm that he plans to vote against it.

What’s worse for the Trump administration, McCain reportedly wants the bill to receive input from both parties – a criticism that he cited as his reason for voting against the Trump administration’s plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. This is particularly problematic because there’s approximately zero chance that any Democratic lawmakers will break ranks to vote with Republicans, despite President Donald Trump repeatedly saying that he expects to win a modicum of bipartisan support.

McCain reportedly confirmed that the bill in its current form is effectively DOA during an interview with Fox Business’s Charlie Gasparino.



  1. Trump and the Senate Republicans might as well count McCain as a Democrat. He has been out to stop the Republican party on every major bill which comes up for vote and it all has to do with his "feelings" and not what the people he represents want. He is a traitor to his electorate!

  2. McCain is on his way out for good , he needs to be home tending to his family in these last days for him. His cancer has effected his brain and he is not making good decisions for the best of his country.

  3. McCain has been a stumbling block for this country , his mind is gone and cannot make since when he speaks , however , he does understand and communicate with Pelosi very well , they speak the same language.(what ever that is)

  4. Well, it is unfortunate that John McCain ends a storied career on such a low note. He will go down as the GOP nay sayer and an embarrassment to the party. Sad.

  5. This old turd should change parties...we don't want or need him. Where is his chubby daughter, haven't seen her on FOX lately.

  6. John McCain and the George Bush(es) have demonstrated to me that there really is a swamp in Washington. Politicians who I felt were working in the best interests of me and my family were only working for their best interests. Yes I knew they were there but I wasn't clear who they were or how bad the situation was.

    I see with greater clarity that we have a lot of work to do to actually "Drain the Swamp".

  7. Well if sessions ever gets his butt in gear and can figure out the soros connection maybe McCain will come around

  8. Thanks Arizona voters, this is your fault.

  9. Drain the swamp ...replace it with a cesspool.

  10. These people hate america that badly... Think about it...

  11. With Rand Paul Gone. Its 48 vs 51 and with Jeff Flake, McCain, Corker, Collins it wont pass.

  12. Based on the last two Democrat wins I think people want high taxes and government control heathcare. Open boarders and men in girls bathrooms... Democrats control the media and Hollywood and it is working. To think a state would vote in a Democratic Government knowing the corruption speaks volumes to the lack of prosecution coming out of the DOJ. Jeff Sessions is just getting along to get along.. Deep State is just to powerful. Lossing a Republican seat can be catastrophic especially to a person who earned 300 million for the democrats in donations. Not good people not good

  13. Draining the swamp is a daily fight for as long as it takes. I pray for our Nation daily. May GOD give us the strength to persevere.

  14. 7:25AM - McCain's daughter has gone to "The View". That should tell you all everything you want to know where they stand.


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