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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Inside the Beltway: 'The Clintons are done in politics'

On Tuesday, the rest of America can get their own copy of Donna Brazile’s 288-page tell-all book when it is released by Hachette Books. Excerpts from “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That PutDonald Trumpin the White House” already have blasted the political landscape, leaving several large craters and plenty of pockmarks. Since her book project began, Ms. Brazile has maintained that even as a lifelong Democrat, she considers herself “an American first” — ready to tell the truth about crisis in her own party, whether it was financial woes or the role Hillary Clinton’s campaign played in compromising the presidential primary process in 2016, specifically directed against Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders.

The book’s caustic effects took root way before the publication date.

“The damage has been done already. Hillary is now involved in a third big scandal. First, there was the Russian uranium deal, the Russian dossier was deal No. 2, and now, No. 3, rigging the Democratic nomination,” summarizes Fox Business Network anchor Stuart Varney.

“It’s hard to tell why Donna Brazile did this. By telling all, she’s divided her own party. Maybe she’s selling books with dramatic headlines. Maybe. But perhaps she’s fed up with all the excuses Hillary and the Democrats are using for their loss to Donald Trump. Either way, the Clintons are done in politics, and the Democrats are going to struggle to unify behind a winning message, and a winning candidate — if they can find one,” says Mr. Varney.

Indeed, there have been many dramatic headlines about the book in the last 24 hours. Just a few of the many: “Democrats shaken and angered by Brazile book” (Politico), “Brazile revelations stir confusion, anger among Democrats” (The Hill), “By waiting a year to tell all, Donna Brazile gets tongues wagging” (The Daily Beast), “Brazile breaks Hillary’s spell over Dems” (Fox News).



  1. Clinton's,Pelosi,Schumer still in control of the Democrat party.

  2. Her book is a scam. It's democrats propaganda machine. It's got to be a crime to give questions to a candidate and funnel money to the person in the way she did it. I watched her on tucker and it was terrible I turned it off. She is doing the same thing continuously talking about how great she is and the Democratic Party. Ridiculous. Book is fake don't buy it.

  3. They will be DONE when WE stop talking about THEM!

    Enough already!

  4. Both Bubba and Killary were on different late night shows last night. They can't stand not being the center of attention.


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