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Saturday, November 04, 2017

Incident Renews Importance Of Island’s Pet Laws

ASSATEAGUE — After an incident emerged related to dogs going after one of the wild horses on Assateague, National Park Service officials this week are reiterating the importance of the laws regarding pets on the barrier island.

Photos of two dogs harassing one of the famed wild horses on Assateague began circulating on social media platforms last weekend, prompting Assateague Island National Seashore officials to begin an investigation into the incident. Assateague Island National Seashore Chief of Interpretation and Education Liz Davis this week confirmed the incident was being investigated, but could not comment specifically on it because the investigation is ongoing. She did confirm the incident occurred last Saturday, but park officials were not notified until two days later on Monday.



  1. How stupid can a dog owner be?!!

  2. That dog will lose it's head when that horse unleashes a kick.

  3. That's most disturbing

  4. I hope that they identify the owners and lay a stiff federal fine on them.

  5. Rangers should shoot them!!

  6. Notice its PITS. Those dogs need to be all killed and BOILED and fed to HOGS.

    1. Boxers not pitbulls. Maybe you need to be killed and BOILED and fed to HOGS.

  7. I too believe their should be a steep fine for the owner of these dogs and that they pay for any harm at all to the horse. Island visitors too need to get names or tag numbers for owners if they see anything.

  8. WTH is it with some dog owners anymore?! Our neighbors think it is OK to let their pitbulls run loose & call us names when we dare to mention that they are supposed to be leashed (the law).

  9. Dogs should not be allowed on assateague,I sure don't want to step in dog crap when I go to the beach.

  10. One Swift kick and it's done

  11. That's a pair of brindle Boxers.

  12. boxers, not pits....usually friendly, but shouldn't be loose anywhere near a horse...I'm surprised that the horse didn't kick him in the head.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Dogs should not be allowed on assateague,I sure don't want to step in dog crap when I go to the beach.

    November 4, 2017 at 3:34 PM

    Go wash it off in the ocean, snowflake.


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