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Friday, November 24, 2017

How Shitty was Barack Obama as President? Ben Shapiro EXPLODES!


  1. I've been sitting here this morning thinking about this post . He is correct about the legacy of this black muslim POTUS . I still believe that obama is either satan or his close angel. He has destroyed America in his 8 years. I wish he and Hillary , Pelosi , Waters and few few others would disappear somehow , if that not possible then maybe we could have Hillary contract them , she'll do anything for a buck.
    The racial divide is so bad now , it could explode anytime , I know civil war between black and white is upon us , not if it's going to happen , but when it's going to happen. I can only say Bring it now , the bible says in the last days the rivers will run reds with blood.

  2. Think of this..

    Obama started is DESTRUCTION of America paid for by who ? GEORGE SOROS.

  3. The enemies of America will do anything to distract us and keep us from being so awesome!
    Barak Obama was bought and paid for by them. Who paid for your college education? Someone you didn’t know from Saudi Arabia?
    The American Communist Party? Like Barak?

  4. To everyone that has posted so far on this.

    This country will not be turned around peacefully. If we are able to wrestle this country out of the grips of the destructive leftist ideology and to reverse the wave of destruction it has left in its wake, it will only be after the right stops allowing the left to do and day whatever they want without being chalanged.

    The rule your parents taught you that “ if you dont have anything to say dont say anything at all” needs to be put aside for a while. You should be swiftly and and savagely confronting these idiotic ideas.

  5. I remember the days when Ben Shapiro was a Never-Trump person. That still sticks in my craw even though now he supports Trump in an obtuse manner. Don't trust him.

  6. Ben Shapiro is an establishment hawk. He's no more relevant than Hillary Clinton in my book. Sorry.

  7. 732
    And the most important reason to realize the "Muslim Brotherhood" is a jewish design from the beginning.
    Wolves in sheep's clothing.
    Most simple minded americans believe Barry was a Muslim.
    He was NOT!

    He was an employee of the CIA and had been since his grandmother inducted him in Indonesia, along with little timmy geithner


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