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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Hillary: Corrupt, Clueless, Coddled

Hillary Clinton is not complex, not at all. For her legion of personal problems -- her tone-deaf woodenness, her arrogance, her greed, her worst problem has been her Democratic Party Privilege.

Yep, that’s the fatal flaw.

It’s really her biggest problem. She’s been coddled because of her party affiliation. She’s been coddled by a media that refused to report her ugly side. She’s been coddled by a base that has been fooled repeatedly. She’s convinced them she’s highly moral, highly intelligent, highly principled, and somehow represents all women, minorities, and the average American.



  1. Maybe she can get coddled in jail. I can only hope. (map

  2. Democrats love a crook that doesn't follow the law. Hillary and Bill are the democrat role models for the democrat party.


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