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Friday, November 17, 2017

Hidden Message in Genesis. WOW!


  1. It’s only wow worthy if you manufacture the evidence and meaning, plant the omnipotent being concept early, introduce a little magic, weave it all together with visionary texts to elaborately validate the whole story as a fear and guilt control mechanism. Please remember, these people thought the earth was flat. Don’t take religion too seriously. Live by the Ten Commandments because it’s the right thing to do not just to get magically teleported to a fictional utopia to live forever with everyone.

  2. Wow , Wow , Wow , 2:23 the ten commandments are the word of God ,of course it's the right thing to do , we are commanded to do it by God.

  3. The Ten Commandments somewhere along the line became The Ten Cautionary Suggestions.

  4. The all-knowing, omnipotent 2:23. Believe some of Gods Word but trash the rest? Can we sit under your teachings, worship at your feet? Maybe drink some of your koolaide?


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