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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Hero Who Shot Texas Gunman Gives Inside Scoop- Turns Out He’s A Former NRA Instructor

Stephen Willeford is the hero in the tragedy at Sutherland Springs, now in the national spotlight simply for doing his best in stopping a crazed murderer from taking even more lives.

Willeford is now confirmed as the man who chased down and then shot David Kelley, the man who killed 26 people who were attending church this Sunday in Texas.

The First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs is about 30 miles outside of San Antonio. At approximately 11:30am on Sunday, David Kelley entered the church and opened fire. It has been the deadliest mass shooting in Texas history, killing approximately 4% of the small town’s population.

In speaking to media, Willeford, whose family has lived in the Springs for four generations, said that he first was told something was wrong when his daughter came into his room to say that she heard gunshots from the nearby church. Being a former NRA instructor, he was well equipped to deal with what was happening: he took his rifle from his safe. His daughter, who kept watching the church from the window, came back to tell him that there was a “man in black tactical gear” who appeared to be the one shooting people.

“I kept hearing the shots, one after another, very rapid shots – just ‘pop pop pop pop’ and I knew every one of those shots represented someone, that it was aimed at someone, that they weren’t just random shots.”



  1. Watch his interview with Steven Crowder on u tube. A true hero.

  2. The Democrats want to disarm him and give the shooters more rights than they deserve.

  3. I actually heard a liberal ask why he wasn’t brought up on charges for shooting someone.

  4. 1046 1156 they just won two states!! Scary!

  5. 10:46 nah, we actually want to prevent people like the shooter from having those in the first place. Crazy right? If you are responsible and aren't convicted of violent crimes then enjoy your gun safe instructor :) Remember, don't kneel for the flag of the government which citizens stockpile tactical gear and weapons against..

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 8, 2017 at 1:31 PM

    11:55 is correct. Some Liberal appointed judge will certainly try to make life miserable for this guy.

  7. 1:23...blahhh! There is nothing you people want to prevent for the greater good. Otherwise, this would have never happened.

    As Imclain says...keep cheering!

  8. 1:23, good luck how is that working for you? As long as you have someone coving your back without question then don't bitch about guns. It is never the gun it is the person holding the gun. Can't you see that? (map)

  9. He needs to arm himself 24/7.... The Looney left hates him, and will stalk him...

  10. Still, the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So I wish the liberal idiots out there would stop trying to make it more difficult for a good guy to get a gun. Because that is all your gun control laws do. The bad guys don't obey the law and will get their guns by stealing them or any other illegal means necessary.


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