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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Happy Anniversary


  1. Replies
    1. And stepped in front of a ballistic missile!

  2. When I'm having a bad day, I remind myself of that. It always works.
    Imagine how bad this country would be if she won!?!?

  3. Hillery congratulations on your loss we are truly grateful.

  4. I never get tired of watching 2016 election night coverage. CNN's blitzer is the best. He would have rather crapped his pants live on the air then call Trump the winner. Dana Whatever her Name is had to repeat several times that clinton had called to concede and blitzer did not want to believe her. Then clinton herself so low class couldn't even go to the center to be with all those who supported her some waiting there all day. To clinton her voters are nothing but peons and they are too dumb to know it. She couldn't bother being with the peons. Democrats are so dumb. Nothing but useful idiots.

  5. I like Rachel Madcow's reaction the best!! That dude was hilarious!

  6. Hooray, hooray, hooray!!

  7. I think I laughed a little to hard at that pic. Hehehehehehehe!!!

  8. Happy anniversary, everybody!😁😁😁


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