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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Gainor Questions ‘Suspicious’ Timing of WaPo’s Hit Piece on Roy Moore To Cause ‘Maximum Damage’

Media Research Center Vice President of Business and Culture Dan Gainor joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Monday to discuss the ongoing controversy surrounding a Washington Post report on Republican Senate candidate from Alabama Roy Moore, as well as left-wing media claiming President Trump’s agenda is done after Gillespie’s loss in the Virginia Governor’s race.

“Anybody who looks at the timing of this has to be suspicious of that aspect of it. You just have to be,” Gainor said regarding the Post’s initial report.

Gainor continued, “they dropped the story right as it could do the maximum damage, not just to Roy Moore, but the GOP.” Gainor made the point that it was too late for the GOP to replace Moore on the ballot by the time the Post decided to publish the story.

While acknowledging the gravity of the allegations, Gainor also pointed out that Moore has been in public life for decades and only now – at the last minute – are we hearing this news.

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  1. Just like smoking in a restaurant, those things were acceptable back then.

  2. Maximum damage for Maximum ratings! Last I checked the WaPo needs all the readers it can muster!!

  3. I am a white male that believes women have the right to go about their business without any abuse from any male. But, I also believe they have a reasonable time to report any abuse even several years if that's what it takes, but not forty years.


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