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Friday, November 17, 2017

Flashback- Rather on Clinton Rape Charge: 'Happened A Long Time Ago,' 'Let's Move On'

In 1998, Juanita Broaddrick claimed that, in 1978 Bill Clinton, then the Attorney General of Arkansas, raped her in a hotel room. The next year, CBS anchor Dan Rather declared that, even if true, "it happened a long time ago" (21 years) and it was time to "move on."

Noting the media double-standard in covering such allegations, a Newsbusters flashback blog reports:

“Take, for example, our report in 1999 that not-yet-disgraced CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather provided the Exact Opposite of the Matt Dowd philosophy. It was the Don Imus radio show -- then simulcast on MSNBC -- on February 23, 1999. When women cry rape, it doesn't matter whether it's true. It's too dated for the truth to matter, and besides, we think the American people are tired of all these accusations”:

More here


  1. This is why the democrats opinion on Roy Moore is meaningless. There isn't a democrat dead or alive who is an honest decent person and they prove this over and over.

  2. Hillary said it was a right wing conspiracy.

  3. Not sure what's worse, the acts themselves or using them as a political tool. Shame on you all

  4. This is why there is a statute of limitations, 10 years after incident, it is done, no charges and no more mention of it.

    I don't understand why this crap is allowed after so many years.

  5. All Democrats are lying worthless POS's including the likes of Dan Rather.

    Funny the Libs say time to move on when it's one of their own, but spend millions on 40 y/o hearsay to bring a Republican down.


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