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Monday, November 06, 2017

FBI report claims MLK had 'all-night sex orgies'

An FBI report has been declassified as part of the newly released John F. Kennedy assassination files, and claims Martin Luther King Jr had an 'all-night sex orgy' at a training workshop.

The report released on Friday was written just weeks before the revered civil rights leader was assassinated in 1968, and details allegations about a workshop King held earlier that year in Miami.

The FBI's sex smears against King have been well known for years, but the newly released 20-page report offers new insight into the harsh portrait the Bureau attempted to paint of him as he campaigned for civil rights and economic reforms.

It is not clear whether the FBI was able to confirm any of the salacious claims it included in the analysis, and they could not be independently verified.



  1. We new he was a cheater and now this.... Go tear down his statues and street signs. Oh he is black, then it's ok

  2. Duh! I've been saying that all along.

    And they have streets named after him and monuments and statues for this criminal and adulterer. But God Forbid we have a Confederate Statue honoring a true hero.

  3. You racists can't even read and comprehend that the article is about the false claims made against MLK by the FBI. Remember the FBI director, Hoover? The one that liked to dress up like a woman! LOL.

  4. The problem with this is the greatest liar and pedophile that ever live J EDGAR HOOVER was the one pushing this lie. A know homo.

  5. Ah the 1960's...sex/drugs/rock and roll!!!

    No lying about that!

  6. Anonymous said...
    You racists can't even read and comprehend that the article is about the false claims made against MLK by the FBI. Remember the FBI director, Hoover? The one that liked to dress up like a woman! LOL.

    November 7, 2017 at 9:11 AM

    Here we go with another LIBTARD dropping the race card. We knew that was coming.

  7. Anonymous said...
    You racists can't even read and comprehend that the article is about the false claims made against MLK by the FBI. Remember the FBI director, Hoover? The one that liked to dress up like a woman! LOL.

    November 7, 2017 at 9:11 AM

    So the orgies are false claims but your accusations of FBI Director Hoover dressing as a woman is the Gospel?? Yeah, right.

  8. Just google MLK, Jr. and his mistress and it's all over the internet. Looks like people are defending him.


    Martin Luther King Wasn't a Saint - The Root

    Remembering Martin Luther King as a man, not a saint - The ...

    Martin Luther King Jr. Cheated on His Wife and Got Drunk; Big Deal ...


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