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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Fake Cop In Salisbury

8 hrs near Salisbury, MD ·  

So this guy pulls up behind me on Hobbs Rd and cuts on red and blue flashing lights...I pulled over thinking he was a cop but then he drove off so I circled around and snapped his pic because this all seemed odd to me...if you have any encounters with this guy report it to the state police they gave been made aware of the situation...be safe everyone.


  1. Police software can ZOOOOOOM in on that Tag , Gotcha !!!!

  2. Maybe the gas station surveillance video got a tag # ?

  3. You know, it actually DOES look like Mike Dunn!

  4. He does look like Dunn, BUT we shouldn't pass this around just in case hes' NOT.

  5. aren't all cops in smallsbury fake?

  6. Adult Bullies back? Yep, no worry, they're in our view.

  7. I’ve never seen a cop in a UC car that has adaptive cruise control... which is what that shiny box is between the plate and the Genesis badge of the hood... people need to be very careful

  8. That’s hilarious- I thought it looked like Mike Dunn too!

  9. Tom Petty is dead,so it must be Mike.Very little is ever made over these nuts because unmarked patrol cars are so vital to police agencies.Losing that resource would be a disaster,and bringing attention to it would,well,you know.

  10. Very little is ever made over these nuts because unmarked patrol cars are so vital to police agencies.Losing that resource would be a disaster,and bringing attention to it would,well,you know.

    November 11, 2017 at 7:45 PM

    No, I don't know. Explain pls.

  11. What agency was this reported to? Msp, spd, or the wcso.


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