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Monday, November 06, 2017

Even At A Dollar Store, It's Still Not Worth It!

What's ironic is that every Salisbury resident who purchases this newspaper and watches them move back into your old Fire House is supporting them to survive. I know if I lived in the City limits I'd dump my subscription in a New York second. 


  1. Your Liberal way is seeping through. A Conservative would ignore it and move on.

  2. Gotta wonder how much that company paid to get on the front page.

    Too bad they didn't do any real investigative reporting and reveal all their dirty little secrets. All about the benjamins

  3. Anonymous said...
    Gotta wonder how much that company paid to get on the front page.

    Too bad they didn't do any real investigative reporting and reveal all their dirty little secrets. All about the benjamins

    November 6, 2017 at 1:12 PM

    What do you mean "that company?" It's Susan Hargreaves Parker's boi County Councilman Matt Holloway!

    You know something is up when Jake Day retweets the story from the DT!

  4. I can remember when one edition of the daily times was sufficient for a crab feast. it now takes saving four days of issues for only a dozen crabs. Time to cancel.

  5. 1:12 PM Yes , I am aware of that.

  6. 2:15 PM And I stand by my comment. Lots of dirty laundry there.

  7. Ours was my husband's subscription and when he passed away last year, that's the first thing I did. Cancelled that subscription. The paper is still bugging me to renew. FAT CHANCE!

  8. 10 cents would be Fair !!!


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