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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Donna Brazile Has A Theory About Who Killed Seth Rich

Former interim Democratic National Committee (DNC) head Donna Brazile worried Seth Rich was either killed for being white or by Russians.

From her book “Hacks“:

I felt some responsibility for Seth Rich’s death. I didn’t bring him into the DNC, but I helped keep him there working on voting rights. With all I knew now about the Russians’ hacking, I could not help but wonder if they had played some part in his unsolved murder. Besides that, racial tensions were high that summer and I worried that he was murdered for being white on the wrong side of town. [My friend] Elaine expressed her doubts about that, and I heard her. The FBI said that they did not see any Russian fingerprints there.

Brazile repeatedly returns to the subject of being haunted by Rich’s murder, even though other Democrats have pounced on anyone who suggested that the murder was anything other than a robbery gone wrong. The DNC data staffer was killed days before Wikileaks began publishing its emails, and his valuables were not taken.



  1. Ah, the old Clinton hit job. How convenient.

  2. Because she knows that Hillary had him taken care because he leaked the DNC emails to Wiki Leaks. Guilt is a horrible thing

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 8, 2017 at 1:44 PM

    "they didn't see any Russian fingerprints there"? Hmmm. And can you tell us what those Russian" fingerprints suppose to looklike? Do they have a hammer and a sickle with Soviet star? Maybe they should check on Clinton Clan Mafia.


  4. IIRC, from reports, he was murdered but not robbed. His personal effects were still with him. She's privy to that information.

  5. Sounds like another Clinton hit, is this number 37 or 38? Donna B better watch her A$$!!!!

  6. Donna was reflecting on her impending suicide.

  7. Clinton Mafia is all over it. That is #68 I believe at last count.

  8. She's been told to direct the finger pointing and accusations to ANYONE ELSE BUT hillary.
    She'd start blaming the tooth fairy right now if necessary.
    Anything to avoid having Seth Rich's killer stalking the parking garage for the right time to "talk" to her.
    When she leaves her office, she asks several people if they would walk with her to her car.
    No one wants to do that. And you know why.
    If the clintons don't kill her in the next few months, it will be a miracle.
    Keep cheering.

  9. Seth Rich and Kurt Smolek both were probably killed by the Clinton crime family for releasing damning info to Wikileaks.


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