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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Domestic Workers’ Salaries’ Surge As Migrant Labour Declines in Brexit Britain

Starting salaries in Britain are rising sharply as the supply of cheap labour from the EU dwindles — as predicted by Brexit campaigners and even Remain campaign chairman Lord Stuart Rose.

“A sustained upturn in demand for staff and lower candidate availability [has] led to further increases in pay,” found a report by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC).

“Starting salaries rose sharply overall, with the rate of inflation quickening to its second-strongest since November 2015.”

The REC buried the positive findings beneath a litany of complaints about growth slowing down as a result of business being deprived of the vast labour pool they have enjoyed under the EU’s Free Movement regime — before a reluctant admission that: “For jobseekers, this is good news, as employers are willing to pay higher starting wages to attract the right candidates.”


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