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Thursday, November 02, 2017

DNC: White men shouldn't apply for tech jobs

White men need not apply.

That’s the message from a Democratic National Committee data services manager, currently on the hunt to filll multiple vacancies in the tech department.

The political organization, which routinely makes grand statements about inclusion, recently sent an email to its employees looking to recruit people for eight open spots including IT Systems Administrator, Product Manager and Chief Security Officer.

Though the Oct. 30 email says that the DNC is looking for a “staff of diverse voices and life experiences,” it apparently doesn’t mean white men.

DNC’s Data Service Manager Madeleine Leader purportedly wrote in an email that the desire for diversity excludes “cisgender straight white males.”

Leader adds, “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males, as they are already in the majority.”



  1. If I thought I could stand working for the DNC I might apply!

  2. I'm pretty sure that's not legal.

    and... the absurd notion of hiring someone base on frivolous things like this.

    How about hiring the most qualified person for the job?

  3. 11:52 must have missed the part about this being the DNC. Legalities don't apply to them and they don't have any wisdom.

  4. Are there any men in the democrat party?

  5. And what's wrong about their being in a majority?

  6. No worries, I won't apply. They're worried that a white guy might pull up the garbage and let it out to the public.

  7. Most of the Federal Government is the same way - if you don't have enough diversity, you can't even get an interview. Then they have an internals first advantage - so even if you're more qualified, they'll hire a moron first!

  8. Statement is true with or without DNC at the beginning of it

  9. Didn't they learn about diversity when the four IT men from Pakistan fled the country with 1/4 million dollars? Debbie Wasserman-Shultz hired them we know how that went.

  10. There's no room for White people in the Democrat party anymore.

  11. The dumbocrat party has officially turned their back on regular Americans.
    The dumbocrats are now the party of illegals, queers and anti-American antifas.

  12. DNC - the party of inclusion Hillary supports women of sexual abuse and harassment, Caucasian men needed for political positions like Bernie Sanders and immigrants who want the American dream of get rich quick in the computer industry!


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