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Monday, November 06, 2017

DNC gave Clinton control over campaign well before it was supposed to

The 2015 deal between Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee in which the group effectively ceded immediate control to the Clinton campaign was supposed to take effect only if Clinton won the primary process - but in effect, they gave her control well before that, according to a copy of the agreement published this weekend.

The publishing of the agreement this weekend follows former DNC interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile’s bombshell accusation Thursday that the party’s 2016 presidential primary contest between Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders was rigged by the DNC to hand the nomination to Clinton.

Brazile, also a onetime Clinton confidante and CNN commentator, made the claims in an article in Politico while touting a new book.



  1. The DNC did not "give" Hillary control over anything; She "took" control through any way she could.

  2. I give her till thanksgiving. I bet she kills herself and to go with that and I bet it will be in some crazy way like the other 30 +

  3. and still liberals will defend hillary


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