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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Dems Introduce Articles Of Impeachment Against Trump

A group of six Democratic House members introduced articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump Wednesday, claiming the president has violated federal law, the public trust and should be charged with high crimes and misdemeanors.

Democratic Reps. Steve Cohen of Tennessee, Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, Al Green of Texas and Adriano Espaillat of New York introduced five articles of impeachment at a press conference at the Capitol Wednesday. The articles have two more co-sponsors: Reps. Marcia Fudge of Ohio and John Yarmuth of Kentucky.

The congressmen list a number of charges against the president, including: obstruction of justice, a violation of the Constitution’s foreign emoluments clause, a violation of the Constitution’s domestic emoluments clause, undermining the federal judiciary process and undermining the press.



  1. Luis Gutierrez needs to be deported.

  2. 3:12 because he has a latino name? He was born in Chicago you racist idiot

  3. If they want a civil Snowflake war I say BRING IT.

  4. What 3:12 really meant is that all democrats need to be deported regardless of legal status.

  5. They're trying to impeach President Trump for 10% of what the previous POSOTUS did!

  6. 3:55 - If that much!

  7. Who is the drone commenter who keeps saying that everyone they don't like and who has a non-European last name needs to be deported? Get it through your skull that people who are from here don't get deported to anywhere.
    Please save us the effort of reading your standard comment and come up with something else.

  8. These are hitlery's charges.

  9. 5:30

    If he is truly "From Here" why he is so un-American ?

    Gutierrez has a long record of voting and promoting anti American policies.

    This P.O.S. needs to go!

  10. hey 3:19 Gutlessrez is a racist idiot ! Even advertised that white men need not apply for dnc tech jobs

  11. Big whoop. Riding the anti-Trump train is going to get them nowhere.


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