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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Democrats' depravity laid bare by Bill Clinton

With profiles in courage like Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand in powerful positions of authority around here, is it any wonder that men and women of America are living in such respectful bliss and harmony with one another?

Nearly thirty years after credible and even verified reports of grand Democrat poobah Bill Clinton molesting women and so much worse, Mrs. Gillibrand has finally decided the monster should have been thrown out of the White House for his lecherous assaults.

“Yes, I think that is the appropriate response,” she said when pressed about whether Mr. Clinton should have been hounded from office.

In other words, Ken Starr and the Republicans of the 1990s were exactly right.

Then Mrs. Gillibrand offered a truly astonishing defense of the most famous rapist in American politics.



  1. Like we have been saying, liberals are the biggest hypocrites on the face of the earth.

  2. A little too late. I am glad this behavior is being addressed. But do not be fooled. The democrats are not changing their minds because they all of sudden found morality. They are only worried about the votes!!

  3. Our own Alex Azar worked with Ken Starr to prosecute Bill Clinton.


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