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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Dem Sen. Warner: ‘I Don’t Believe Democratic Party Is Corrupt’

Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” when asked about former interim Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile’s claims that Hillary Clinton was controlling DNC before voters decided who would win the primary, Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) said he didn’t believe the Democratic Party was “corrupt.”

"I don’t believe the Democratic Party is corrupt. I believe the Democratic Party is best when it’s forward-leaning. I think we have got that kind of candidate running in Virginia right now. I’m going to leave here and crisscross Southwest Virginia to try to help get out the vote."



  1. Not surprised. The dems and their loyal sheep really do not think they are corrupt. Exactly why I am eliminating all non essential liberals from my life.
    They make me want to puke.

  2. The Party is only as corrupt as the people are who control it.

  3. not all Muslims are terrorists ...

  4. Corrupt they are.
    Unless you have another term for leading millions of voters (We, the people") into believing their candidate had a chance when, all along, they were behind the scenes making sure only hillary had a chance.
    They didn't want an election. They wanted a coronation.
    Now, like little weasels, they want us to "move on".
    Move her to a prison cell.
    Keep cheering.

  5. Senator Warner is a liar or a lunatic. No other options from that statement.

  6. he has his head in the sand...corruption knows no boundries, BUT it's obvious the DEM Party has MORE than it's share...

  7. They are not only corrupt, they get an A+ in coordination of the corruption and jail avoidance.

  8. Corruption is a way of life for DC elites.


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