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Sunday, November 12, 2017

DC Council takes step towards placing statue of Marion Barry in front of Wilson Building

WASHINGTON (ABC7) — The DC Council has taken a large step towards placing a statue of former Mayor Marion Barry in front of its home.

In a meeting Tuesday, the DC Council Committee of the Whole voted unanimously to a measure that would advance the possibility of adding a statue dedicated to the late mayor in front of the Wilson Building.

The matter was not actually passed today, Council Chairman Phil Mendelson said because someone forgot to publish it in the city register, as required by law. Mendelson said it is now on the Consent Agenda of non-controversial items that will be passed all together with one vote in the next council session.

That session could come in as little as two weeks.



  1. no they are not that crackhead offends me.

  2. I'm curious, will the statue be holding a crack pipe up to it's lips?

  3. Says a lot about what DC thinks of convicted cocaine abusers and felons. What a crap hole.

  4. Oh hell no! That would offend more than myself. What's it coming to. only the worthless gets a statue? First thing you know "they" will want one of the last failed guy hold up in our white house. Shameful indeed.

  5. Just what we need - a statue of a womanizing, drug addict, who stole public funds, failed to file taxes, and who was a RACIST against Asians! Yeah great idea!

  6. He solved the crack problem in DC as he took it off of the streets one line at a time

  7. I am offended by this!

  8. "Bih set me up" should be the quote engraved on it.

  9. You have to fn be kidding. Let's take down all the confederate statues and put one up of a crackhead. God you can't make this stuff up 😂🤣

  10. 9:52 Crack is a rock like substance not a powder but don't let facts get in the way.

    1. But because it starts off as that powder, so 9:52s joke still stands.

  11. Famous last words that I remember when law enforcement entered the motel room..."The bitch set me up". What a joke!

  12. Between this and the memorials for Trash-von and Mike-Thug...we can see the liberal lack of mentality!

  13. DC allows destroying Statues of history and replacing them with "Black" criminals. This tells you a lot about our society. These are the Trump haters and anarchist.

  14. They are just memorializing their best

  15. Memorializing a crack head...what will they think of next?

  16. 10:36,
    Perfect comment.

    Also note that the Council placed it on the "Consent Agenda of non-controversial items".

  17. I think it is a great idea whose time has come to memorialize this great man. I think a statue of him doing lines while slapping a hooker is well overdue.

  18. Going to rename streets with Black Panther members names too!

  19. I agree with 11:40AM.
    They should also memorialize one of the 75 trash cans that Berry's "Marketing Company" bought and placed around the city with a message on each one about staying off of drugs. He was given a little over $3 million by the city (Congress, actually) to fund this campaign. Seventy-five trashcans!
    I lived in PG County during and after his reign. The stories are legend about this guy.

  20. Down with confederates they were bad, elevate drug users and criminals, they are good.


  21. Mayor for Life and the Night Owl were some of his famous nicknames!

  22. Black America has lost it's mind. Celebrate a living legend of dope and for his legacy .

  23. Typical democrat idiocy. The man is a criminal. A low life dirtball. They praise and worship criminals and low life dirtballs. That is the Democrat party today. (with quite a few social perverts as well)

  24. The thought of this offends me....if it happens, should I incite a riot?

  25. Take down the Confederate statues because they represented "slave owners." Replace with a statue of "slave." Slave to a freaking crack pipe. Really good thing to memorialize, huh?

  26. Marion Barry and Martin Luther King. Wow, I am impressed with the quality of black heros and role models as I am sure all of your readers are. Thank god for the joys of diversity and affirmative action programs.

  27. Twice convicted crack head LOL

  28. OMG, people there are just plain nuts. Drain that Washington Swamp, NOW.

  29. He is just a Criminal, so Put the statue in front of the
    Nearest Prison !!!

  30. Discrace to DC .....Infamous Not Famous !!! Racist !!

  31. Will he be smoking a crack pipe and banging hookers. The black role model and you think it the white mans fault.

  32. You can't make this stuff up.


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