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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Cross-Dressing ‘Queer Role Models’ Read to Toddlers to Stop ‘Hate Crimes’

Men dressed as women are being brought into UK nursery schools as ‘queer role models’ for two and three-year-olds to stop them committing “hate crimes” later in life.

Drag Queen Story Time (DQST) holds sessions at taxpayer-funded schools, community centres, and libraries at which children learn songs about “transgender” teddy bears, as cross-dressers teach about homophobia, misogyny, and racism, and read books which promote ‘queer’ and LGBT lifestyles.

The project — which nursery bosses say will help children “see people who defy rigid gender restrictions” — is to hold sessions at seven nurseries run by the London Early Years Foundation (LEYF) over the winter, which if successful will be rolled out across all the foundation’s 37 sites, the Mail on Sunday reports.

Founder Tom Canham explained that DQST targets two and three-year-olds in order to prevent “hatred” later in life, claiming infants have yet to develop prejudice at that age.

More here


  1. My our Lord and Savior help these people and this world.

  2. This is screwed up and must stop.

  3. They should stay on the other side of the pond!

  4. If the picture is any indication of how they're looking, the kids will see them for what they are.... clowns.

  5. Instead of exposing these kids to people whose life choices they cannot possibly comprehend, why don't we just teach them that "People are people no matter how small." Or what color, religion, or anything else. Dr Seuss knew what he was talking about.

  6. I thought it was a clown

  7. Again, the same country that is being taken over by Muslims.

  8. ...as they sexually assault the children while reading to them. Pervs.
    Just say no to this perversion.

  9. So do you have time to read to your kids now?


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