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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Congressman Curbelo: I Will Vote to Shut Down Federal Govt 'Unless We Get' DACA Amnesty

Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) announced today that he will vote to shut down the federal government at the end of the year if the GOP spending bill does not include legislation to give amnesty to potentially 3.5 million illegal aliens in the United States.

In a speech to the pro-immigration IMPAC Fund, Curbelo threatened to help Democrats shut down the government if the 3.5 million illegal aliens who are enrolled and eligible for the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are not given amnesty to permanently remain in the U.S.

“I will make some news here of particular interest to our friends in the fourth estate,” Curbelo said, according to the Hill. “I am announcing today that I will not support any appropriations bill that funds the government beyond December 31st unless we get this DACA issue resolved.”

“And by the way, it doesn’t have to be included in the spending bill, but it has to get done,” Curbelo said. “Again, as long as it gets done I’m okay with a stand-alone bill, if it’s part of another package, let’s just get it done.”



  1. Send them all back and shut it down. If your illegal bye

  2. This moron doesn't realize that most of the citizens don't want any form of amnesty!

  3. Shut it down!! We don't need no stinking government.


  4. He's just running his mouth for the benefit of the folks back home.

  5. I triple dog dare you... shut it down

  6. This horse s@$+ happens every year it isn't shutting down.

  7. As if they get anything accomplished otherwise...

  8. Why don't you just be honist and run as a Democrat. No one ilkes a RINO.

  9. Go ahead and shut it down, but this time no BACK PAY for government officials when it is shut down. They get to suffer just like the average man/woman. We do not want DACA. How many times do you all have to be told the American people do not want your liberal agenda shoved down our throats?

  10. How about if Mr. Curbelo goes online and reads the story in the Texas college newspaper written by a Latino gentleman which calls for the annihilation of the "white people's DNA." Says in his entire life he has only met about 12 whites who were even decent and the rest need to go. And until they do go, they should know that he "hates them and wishes they were gone." Latino in college, wonder if that gentleman is a DREAMER/DACA. Sure doesn't make me want to keep any of them. Must be my white DNA talking, huh.

  11. And he just happens to be hispanic? What a coincidence.

  12. DACA was put in effect illegally anyway. NO DACA.


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