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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

CNN to boycott Trump’s Christmas party

Not even the White House Christmas party is safe from President Trump’s burgeoning feud with CNN.

The news network announced it’s boycotting Friday afternoon’s annual Christmas bash at the president’s pad, in the wake of attacks by Trump on the press.

“CNN will not be attending this year’s White House Christmas party,” according to a CNN statement to Politico.

“In light of the President’s continued attacks on freedom of the press and CNN, we do not feel it is appropriate to celebrate with him as his invited guests. We will send a White House reporting team to the event and report on it if news warrants.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Tuesday snapped back at CNN’s snub, tweeting: “Christmas comes early! Finally, good news from @CNN.”



  1. They are not going but they will send a crew to report news? To funny

  2. Can you boycott if you were NOT invited?!

  3. I'm sure the President is heart broken.

  4. They Not Envited !!! Anyway LOL

  5. I'll take their (CNN) tickets!

  6. Ten less bottles of liquor that taxpayers will have to pay for. Good riddance! The White House staff won't have to count the silverware after the party now.

  7. The air will be easier to breathe without them there.

  8. I'm sure he wouldn't care if they closed up.

  9. I'm sure Trump is loosing no sleep over this. I find this amusing! They are loosing ratings, and viewers. He should snob all the establishment media.

  10. They will have a mole / plant there

  11. Cnn will find some negative news story to spin/report and it won't be true. Poor excuse for a news channel. Wonderful news they won't be at the party. Hope it's true.

  12. Hey CNN are you sure you were even invited?


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