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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Church of England Leader Can’t Understand Why Christians in America Support Donald Trump? Here’s Why, Your Grace

The primate of the Church of England said over the weekend he can’t understand why evangelical Christians in the United States support President Donald Trump.

Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, was asked about this connection on an interview show in England, and he not only answered the question, but let us all know how brave he was for doing it.

“There’s two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?” the Most Reverend said.

(This distinction, by the way, is correct – and more so than the archbishop thinks.)

“And I’m going to say what I think,” he continued. “No, I don’t understand it. I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from.”

But Trump can be relieved about one thing: if he visits Britain as president, Archbishop Welby would deign to attend a state dinner even with Trump there.



  1. Funny because I can’t understand why the Church of England is allowing Muslims to overtake England which in evitably lead to the church’s dismantling. Maybe the CoE should worry more about what’s going on in its own backyard instead of worry about our country.


  2. Agree with 7:39. The Archbishop, as clerical head, will be one of the first to lose his when Britain falls. He's unlikely to find the testosterone to be an actual leader, and will acquiesce.

    Churchill weeps.


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