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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

“Can you ever be prepared for an active threat?": In 2017, everybody has an active shooter drill

The women in the third floor break room of the Virginia Beach courthouse flew into action, pushing a long, wooden table against the door.

They stacked chairs on top of the table, wrapped the tablecloth around the door handle, and started moving the fridge.

Then, banging on the wall. The shooter was coming.

The door opened just a crack, and an arm appeared with a blue handgun. Someone screamed.

But there was no reason to be afraid: The scene on Nov. 16 was a drill with the Sheriff’s Office to prepare employees in case an actual active shooter attacks their place of work.

It’s far from the only one. After shootings in Newtown, Conn.; Orlando, Fla.; Las Vegas; and Sutherland Springs, Texas, over the past few years, institutions from courthouses to schools to places of worship and entertainment venues have created drills to help people face the threat of an active shooter.

They hope the plans will never be used, but they’re still ready.



  1. At a large gathering most if these drills are like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Most high pier rifle rounds will go right through a wall or door. Sure the round will be deflected and slowed but still lethal. If a shooter walked into a bar and if even 50% of the people pulled out their own fire arm he would know he is dead meat!

  2. I've been prepared since 1968 , just a little more ammo now.

    1. How often do you do cardio Twice a week, three times? How often do you shoot stress induced course with full gear? When was the last time your were on a wrestling mat? If your answer are longer then 6 months YOU are not prepared.

  3. The only training that will save lives is how to shoot back,not cower like a sheep. Buy a hand gun this Christmas and training to use it, I guarantee it will increase your odds of living in a situation like this.

  4. They shouldn't have to be used we all should be able to protect ourselves!

  5. Let all eligible gun owners carry without penalty.


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