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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Breaking News: A video captured the Texas church attack. An official said it shows the gunman methodically shooting victims in the head.

The gunman who committed the massacre in a rural Texas church fired continuously for several minutes, methodically shooting his victims – including small children – in the head, execution-style, a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation said on Wednesday.
A video camera captured the bloodbath inside the church, which left 26 people dead and 20 wounded — the worst mass shooting in Texas history — and state and federal investigators have reviewed that gruesome footage.
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  1. They will never show it, just like the Vegas vids.

  2. Joe

    Did you see the story today about Charlie Sheen raped Corie Haim when he was 13 as per Corey Feldman ? Sad.

  3. And who in their right mind would want to see it or need to see it?12:01

  4. Videos always surface. One of the famous ones you ask? The day after Michael Jackson passed, someone released the famous Pepsi practice commercial where Jacko's hair caught fire while dancing. It burnt his hair down to his scalp making a permanent bald spot on top of his head. Wigs from the mid 1980's forward because of the accident and the fire rumor that no one could prove without video!

    Videos always surface when folks are least expecting it!

  5. No need to show it. If you want to see innocent people being shot in the head, you are sick in the head.

  6. Even if I were one of the investigators I would not watch it.

  7. We should be tired of hearing about "red flags" by now.Millions of people have some sort of legal issues or mental problems.They can't all be watched.I can't speak for everyone,but guns are not hard to get if a person has the money.The Air Force may or may not have contributed to this,but my guess is that they only would have delayed it by filing the proper paperwork.he would have gotten the guns somehow.

  8. And God bless the first responders who arrived and were faced with what this evil man did in that church.

    Can anyone imagine what they saw when they walked into that church? I can't, and don't really want to. It would absolutely break my heart to see all those people murdered, especially the young ones.

    God bless them and the medical personnel who had to go in and treat them and discover which ones could NOT be treated.

    And to further the evil cause, people are mocking and criticizing the ones who are praying for them. We need God more than ever and some people are constantly pushing Him away.

    Where there is no God in one's heart, you have these actions. Same as will Vegas, NY, anywhere and not just in this country.

  9. Gotta love how mental is the new scape goat for being a killer.

  10. Give the bastard the death penalty! Oh that's right, the crazy bastard is already dead.


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