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Monday, November 20, 2017

BREAKING: Janet Yellen from the Federal Reserve has Resigned!

Janet Yellen, the main point person at the Federal Reserve resigned just now in Washington, DC. Questions now look as to what will happen now as Donald Trump stated in his campaign he would audit the Fed - a measure Yellen was completely against. Now, it will be up to The President to replace her upon her vacating her position.

No word yet as to the effective date.

Developing story.


  1. Now audit the fed!
    They have been controlling the country's money for too long!

  2. If he actually does audit the fed I will be ripping my money out of the system and putting it into hard assets so fast it will make your head spin.

    Although I am all for it, the system can not handle that kind of honesty.

  3. RON. PAUL.

    Who better????????

    Make some popcorn now, folks!

    1. You, me anyone is better then a bill clinton hire.

  4. Why why why has it taken 10 months for this pig to get out ?

  5. It's time for house cleaning time and kick banks out system.

  6. I can't stand a yellen woman anyway.

  7. Happy to hear the great news!

  8. Silly goy, the Zionists central bank is above the law.


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