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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Bill Gates firm buys AZ land for $80 Million for 'Smart City'

A real estate investment firm owned by Bill Gates recently bought a giant plot of land in Arizona for $80 million to be developed into a “smart city.”

Arizona-based Belmont Partners, one of Gates’ investment firms, purchased close to 25,000 acres of land in Tonopah, around 50 miles west of Phoenix, to create a “smart city” called Belmont, KPNX reported.

“Belmont will create a forward-thinking community with a communication and infrastructure spine that embraces cutting-edge technology, designed around high-speed digital networks, data centers, new manufacturing technologies and distribution models, autonomous vehicles and autonomous logistics hubs,” Belmont Partners said in a press release, according to KPNX.



  1. Gates isn't going to do crap. He talks a good game is all. Just like he and the others "pledge" all this money to charities. Why "pledge." Just give it all away now. Because it's a lie. They aren't ever going to do anything.

    1. Sorry but you’re wrong. Their foundation has donated millions of dollars and helped causes all around the world. This is not his first purchase as he’s already made a purchase in Northern Virginia. Plans are already done for the Smart city here. Any smart person would leave the Delmarva peninsula and see there’s a whole other world out there. One where you can actually find a decent job, afford nice things, not be around ghetto trash 24 7, where small local government actually works and people elect the right people. After spending most of my Life on the peninsula I moved several years ago. When I go back to visit I’m in disbelief on How much the entire area has gone downhill. If you were to leave for one year and come back you would see the decline.

    2. Came here to say this. People like 11:36 need to cut down people like Gates to feel good about themselves. Gates gave away more this year than 1136 will make in their lifetime

  2. Liberals will have to be banned.

    1. On the contrary I think the progress stifling conservatives will be banned. It reads City of the Future not City of the Good Ole Days

  3. when you consider his vaccine and abortion depopulation efforts, you might think the city is being built for the machines......

  4. so will 10% of the housing be devoted to section 8?

  5. Gates is intelligence.
    So intelligence agencies are building a smart city.

  6. Bill Gates ...He's The Man !!!!!!!!


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