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Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Baltimore's Weekend 'Cease-Fire' Shattered As Off-Duty Cop Gunned Down

Baltimore’s second attempt at a 72-hour ‘cease-fire’ was cut short for the second time this year after an off-duty Washington police officer was killed and a women wounded on Saturday.

According to The Baltimore Sun homicide data base, Sgt. Tony Mason Jr.,40, was shot and killed on the upper west side at 2800 Elgin Avenue. Reports from NBC News, indicate Mason was struck by a fatal bullet inside a parked vehicle, where he was later transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital and died...

Unfortunately, Saturday’s shooting occurred just 26-hours into the 72-hour ‘Nobody Kill Anybody Baltimore Cease-Fire’campaign empowered by community activist who seek change in Baltimore after 50-years of democratic controlled leadership and de-industrialization compounded with an opioid crisis has left the city in an utter mess. The last ‘cease-fire’ in August failed about 40-hours in, as two killings thwarted efforts by community activist. It appears that ‘cease’fire’ events will become more prevalent as the community attempts to raise awareness. The problem with Baltimore and many other cities across the United States is that democratic controlled leadership did not allow media to cover the complete mess in their inner cities. As consciousness increases across America, Americans are figuring out their empire is dying. People are now demanding change.

On Thursday, just one day before the ‘cease-fire’ started, 3 homicides pushed Baltimore’s murder count above 300 making it the third year in a row. Ever since the Ferguson effect in 2014, death and destruction has taken over the city. Sadly enough, The Economist is forecasting a record year for homicides with their models pointing to over 400.



  1. is it finally time to look at the conceal and carry laws? How many more people need to die before we take a common sense approach.

  2. Too bad he wasn't in a gun free zone, they always work.

  3. Not going to stop until gun animal doesn't know who will shoot back at him. What a crazy state Maryland is.

  4. Arm law abiding citizens Maryland! Most of this nonsense will cease the moment criminals realize they could be running up against an armed person. Maryland is one of only a handful of states that still makes CCW so difficult. Bobby Zirkin and Bryan Frosch prefer tyranny to liberty.

  5. Obviously, someone didn't get the BLM message.

  6. "ain't nobody shoot nobody" cease-fire doesn't work. What did they expect.
    Drug dealer: "iz gonna shoot ya, but it be a cease fire dog, so you lucky dis time", "ima catch ya next time tho"

  7. Enough is Enough. First of all call in the National Guard and institute marshal law. Second the state needs to take over the Baltimore City government. This was done in the state of Michigan. They took over Detroit for a couple of years. Things were starting to improve so they let the local government take things back over. Now they are back in the dumps again. It's obvious the City of Baltimore can't govern and more importantly protect their own citizens.

  8. Since the Ferguson effect? It's been going on longer than that.


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