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Monday, November 06, 2017

BAD NEWS: It’s Been Exposed, Lynch And Holder Did FAR Worse Than We Thought

Is it any surprise that we are finding more and more evidence that suggests the Obama administration was corrupt? It would be one thing if Obama bragged about being the least transparent administration in the history of the country or if the media gave him and his administration a fair shake, but, as we all know, the Obamas and his sycophants in his cabinet could do no wrong in the eyes of the media, and he was scandal free, don’t you remember?

The hubris of this guy. Astonishing. After having accomplished nothing in his life except to stir race relations in Chicago and allegedly teach Constitutional Law, he became the president and will go down as one of the worst in history. Look no further than his two Attorney Generals. The most vile and corrupt of them all were supposed to be the nation’s top legal minds. Instead, they were puppets of the administration.



  1. Charge them then !!! And Lock them up !!

  2. Holder needs to be Held in PRISON.

  3. of course they are corrupt. no decent person would ever breath the same air as ghetto obama.

  4. don't just talk about it. do something about it.

  5. Attorney Generals do not investigate former Attorney Generals because they will eventually be a former Attorney General.
    I won't judge the past because I will soon become the past too.

  6. No punishment. Then you wonder what is wrong with government. They violate the law they are supposed to uphold. They are the same ones who criticize the Police for during the job they are supposed to uphold. This Country is led by Law breakers and people wonder why Pres. Trump is trying to drain the swamp.

  7. I read where he didn't teach constitutional law. He just claims to have done so.


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