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Monday, November 20, 2017

Attendance At Baltimore City Schools Crashes To 13 Year Low Just As Juvenile Crime Spikes

Project Baltimore, an investigative reporting series conducted by a local Fox affiliate in Baltimore City, has sifted through over a decade of high school records and discovered that attendance at city high schools in 2017 suddenly dropped to a 13-year low of just 76%. Just to state the obvious, the average high school in Maryland has around 1,200 students so that means that, on an average day, nearly 300 of them don't bother to show up.

Adding insult to injury, Baltimore City Police Spokesman T.J. Smith told Fox 45 that it's no coincidence that violent crime is spiking in the city just as more and more teenagers are opting to skip class.

From violent attacks on Halloween night, to a terrifying carjacking and a man pushed into the Inner Harbor. Baltimore City is under siege by criminals that, police say, are teenagers.

“Every single one of them involve juveniles, who are all walking the streets today because they are probably not in school, where they belong.”



  1. Easy way to catch the hood rats. On Police patrol car intercoms, play the National Anthem and when they stop running and kneel. Pull over and arrest them!!!Ray!!!

  2. We foot the bill for them, show or no-show, in the most expensive per student spending in the state.

  3. Baltimore still has schools? What for?

  4. Schools in "Baltimore" LOLOO

  5. Oh, so putting them in school will magically solve the problem? No. It will ruin the chances of the kids WHO ACTUALLY CARE ENOUGH TO SHOW UP! Dont believe me? Look at wihi and phs and JMB riot factories!!

  6. Yeah, give Freddie Gray's family (the drug mule) $6M and put the kids in FREE college. THAT is the answer! There could possibly be crime after that. Remember the movie series "Death Wish"?

  7. Liberals have done a great job for the people of Baltimore City. #charmcity#minimexico


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