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Thursday, November 02, 2017

Arizona Poll: Likely Republican Primary Voters Favor Dr. Kelli Ward

Given six names to choose from, more than one in four likely Arizona Republican primary voters chose Dr. Kelli Ward to replace now retiring Sen. Jeff Flake in a new poll from Data Orbital.

Respondents were given six names as well as the options “undecided” and “refused” to answer the question, “If the Republican Primary for US Senate were held today and your choices were (read choices from below), who would you vote for?” The names listed as options were [former Arizona State Senator] Kelli Ward, [Rep.] Martha McSally, [former Rep.] Matt Salmon, [Rep.] David Schweikert, [former Rep.] John Shadegg, and Arizona Board of Regents member Jay Heiler.

Ward took the lead with 26.4 percent. Eight points behind was McSally with 18.6 percent. Salmon trailed with just 10.4 percent with the three other names polling in the low to mid-single digits. Undecideds were just 28 percent with ten months left until Arizona’s August 28, 2018, primary election day. Just over six percent refused to answer the question.

71.2 percent of respondents polled had a “strongly” or “somewhat” favorable view of [President] Donald Trump. Just 3.2 percent were undecided or refused to answer.


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