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Saturday, November 25, 2017

An Obamacare assistance group got $200,000 in federal funds — and used it to sign up just one person

A group that is supposed to help Native Americans sign up for Affordable Care Act coverage in South Dakota received $200,000 in federal funds to support its efforts — and managed to sign up just one person in an Obamacare plan, the Trump administration said Wednesday.

The group, the Great Plains Tribal Chairmen's Health Board, had better luck in North Dakota — where it assisted 67 people in shopping for and enrolling in an Obamacare plan that went into effect in 2017.

But in that state, the board received another $154,000 in federal cash for its efforts.

That works out to nearly $2,300 per enrollee in North Dakota.

In both Dakotas, the group's work cost taxpayers $5,200 per enrollee, according to data from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

At the start of 2017 plan last fall, the tribal board — which has not responded to a request for comment from CNBC — had hoped to sign up 5,900 people in Obamacare plans sold by private insurers.



  1. Everything about Obama is bad for our country. And he is STILL actively trying to destroy this country with a 30 thousand strong group to oppose everything that Trump tries to do.

    And if Killary had won this past election, it would have been more of the same and probably worse. Thank God we dodged that bullet.

    Everyone has their flaws, we are human after all. But at least PRESIDENT Trump loves this country and has/is doing things to make it great(er). That is more than I can say for a lot of the past presidents and the wishful hopefuls that attempted to win our hearts and minds.


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