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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Alabama media have whispered about Roy Moore's alleged behavior for years, as this 2002 article shows

Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore is pushing back on reports he sought sexual encounters with teens and minors in the 1970s by questioning the timing of the allegations and pointing to what he says is a sterling reputation as a public servant and private citizen.

But local Alabama reporting dating as far back as 2002 suggests his reputation in the state has been anything but sterling, and that his supposedly disturbing behavior has been a topic of discussion in and around his hometown for decades.

Moore has flat-out denied the worst of the allegations found in a Washington Post report published last week, including that he sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl and that he gave another minor alcohol while on a date.

He has also questioned the timing of the Post report, suggesting that it is all part of a larger smear campaign spearheaded by the press and the Democratic Party.



  1. The lemmings who believe this crap are being introduced to a higher form of mind control.Victims going back decades are created & portray a lifetime of sexual abuse.All of it never happened.His reputation has been re created over the last few weeks and everyone is swallowing it hook, line, and sinker.Sad.

  2. This is evil beyond evil.

    Guilty and you are given no trial no requirement that the allegations against you be proven at all. Somehow the table is switched and now the accused is guilty and they are required to somehow prove they are innocent.

    Keurig forced Hannity to attack Moore. No proof at all. No trial at all just Guilty.

    We are the USSR. There is no freedom in America.


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