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Wednesday, November 08, 2017

A year later: Liberals still haunted by Trump win

Just over a year ago, the political left in the US watched in shock as what seemed unimaginable happened - Donald Trump won the presidency. Since then, they've mourned, they've marched, and they've moved on. Sort of.

There was a moment on the first full day of the Women's Convention in Detroit, Michigan, last month when the audience came alive.

Linda Sarsour, a co-chair of the event, was moderating a panel about activism in the era of Trump, and glanced down at her phone. She then announced to the cavernous conference hall that there were reports that independent counsel Robert Mueller was about to release his first indictments related to his investigation into possible ties between the Trump presidential campaign and the Russian government.

Thousands of women who had travelled from across the US to attend four days of seminars, speeches and sessions, stood and cheered for nearly half a minute.



  1. Too bad for the states where liberals won last night they will go down for sure.

  2. This Linda pig is a muslim clown with a muslim agenda.Send her to iran.

  3. Let the haunting continue.

  4. I can still see the anguish in some of my lefty friends and certainly a group of them at work. I actually smile as they walk by my office just a shell of the person they once were.

  5. Trump/Pence 2020!!

    Give them some time, it's only been a year. I'm still haunted from their people that did hold up in our white house for eight years.

    Trump/Pence 2020!!


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