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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Viewer Writes: WBOC Bless Our Children

I can tell you about 10 years ago I was needing help for Christmas.

WBOC told me the name of a church they gave funds to. So I made an appointment on Christmas eve to go there. The church told me they didn't get any donations from WBOC. I said well that's funny because they gave me your cell number and said you were one of the last to get $$ from them. They hesitantly made an appointment with me. I waited in their cold church, no lights on, no one talked to us for hours with my sister.

After about 9pm on CHRISTMAS Eve the pastor arrived. He spent about 20 minutes bragging about how he has been able to buy homes for his whole family through donations, walked us out back and shown us building supplies, new bathtubs to be exact on that day and said he's got huge storage units full. All donated to them. He then handed me a football and coloring book for my children. After bragging about getting donations to help families for Christmas. I'm not being selfish when I say this... it gave me a scam vibe.

I was the only family there to get gifts that year. It was like they didn't tell people they got the funds to help. This was my first and only time needing help and since then I've never donated to Bless our Children. Only through churches I trust.

All I'm saying is that they don't do much checking up on who gets these funds. These people were resentful of me being there in the first place. I was the only person who came to get toys and that was all they handed me.

I wanted you to know this happened and could use some digging to see if it's normal or one that slipped through the cracks.


  1. Salvation Army is the only trustworthy one.

    1. Yep I thought so too until - in my Daily Times this morning, there was an envelope asking for a donation. All I had to do was put my donation in the envelope, check the box saying "yes I want to help feed the hungry , check the box telling how much money I would contribute to feed the hungry this thanksgiving, and mail it. The envelope was addressed to The Salvation Army, P O Box 3136, Hagerstown MD 21741.

  2. 1010, here on the eastern shore when it comes to charity - trust no one!

  3. I can tell you, I have met so many crooked pastors. Had them come in and tell me which variant of a large luxury purchase they would make on Monday from me would be based on what donations they received on Sunday. Several driving around in Lincoln Navigators, homes paid for by the church. Trips around the world to "spread the word" etc.

    There is no reason a "church" needs a $200,000 sound and light system, a full-time paid staff of 6 people all with health/retirement benefits, etc.

    Unless churches can PROVE they donated 75% of their proceeds to LOCAL people in need, they should be TAXED. That would go a long way to solving our national health insurance problems, make taxes from churches pay for it!

  4. Ahhh 1114, the sacred cow kinda unleased here. The separation of church and state. You do YOU (churches) and we'll do US thing (States) and never shall our two paths cross.

    Cannot discuss anything logical when it involves Church and Gov't.

    Unless self imposed guilt comes out publicly (PTL club, Jimmy Swaggert, etc etc) gov't won't get involved. The O'steens, Copeland's and the rest will continue to live in very large homes, fly personal G6 planes and pretty much print money - UNTIL they go over that line.

    Until then - its a party on OUR DIME!

  5. I wish they would list the organizations that get the money and how much money they receive. It is a good business practice to be accountable for donations received.

  6. There's a guy who lives in Fruitland and has a "church" in his house and is crooked as it gets. He brags about buying things through his church to get tax exemption, and all of his friends are on the payroll. It's truly shameful!

  7. didnt the salvation army run the community center on the westside of Salisbury? I know the City owns it now

  8. HALO does good work. Feeds on average 225 people each day.

  9. The Salvation Army doesn't do a good job of screening applicants for services. Plus, don't you find it odd that they never participated in sheltering the homeless during the cold months when all the Churches were stepping up? They had better facilities to offer than most. Large gyms and showers, but it would have disrupted basketball. What is more important? What is their true mission? HALO makes far better use of their donations!

  10. "I can tell you about 10 years ago I was needing help for Christmas."

    "I said well that's funny because they gave me your cell number and said you were one of the last to get $$ from them."

    I call BS, hardly anyone had cell phones for businesses/church back then.

  11. @10:53 did you just say hardly anyone had cell phones for business/church in what would be 2007?


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