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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A MSP Productive Holiday Weekend

Over the Thanksgiving holiday (Nov. 22-26), Maryland State Police made 109 DUI arrests, issued 95 seat belt citations, 89 seat belt warnings, 113 distracted driving citations, 154 distracted driving warnings and 1,815 speeding citations. In addition, troopers made 34 criminal arrests, 20 CDS arrests and 59 warrant arrests.


  1. O.K. , why not Every weekend ? Just saying that Btw nice job

  2. So much for the 4th Amendment!

  3. Lawyers need Christmas too!

  4. Yay. Give them a cookie. They did their job. Whoop de do

  5. Ok, let’s look at the numbers closely. From the 22nd through the 26th is a 5 day period. That’s 20 DUI arrests per day STATEWIDE. Less than 20 seatbelt citations and warnings per day STATEWIDE. 6 criminal arrests per day, 5 drug arrests per day and just over 10 warrants served per day. Again..,STATEWIDE. There are 23 barracks in the state. If that’s all the work they can produce while working AROUND THE CLOCK, I’m not impressed.

  6. Too bad they cannot stop the drug train between Pocomoke and PRMC.

  7. How do they decide who gets a warning who gets a ticket?

  8. I personally know 2 people who received citations for distracted driving cell phone.They later had traffic accidents for which they were blamed,but nothing came up about prior cell phone driving issues in their court cases.

  9. Went to Baltimore and back on Thursday. There was very little traffic and everyone was going at the speed that they preferred, some fast, some slow. No one was in anyone else's way. It was a pleasure to drive on route 50 that day. On the way up, I saw NO cops from Salisbury to Easton, but when I went past the Easton barracks, I noticed only one civilian pickup truck parked on the barracks property. And between Easton and rt 404, there he was, the only cop on the road between Salisbury and the Bay Bridge, stopping speeders trying to get to their families for Thanksgiving gatherings for dinner. They could have, for one day, let drivers be and just respond to calls for assistance. But noooo, they had to go out and ruin someone's holiday with a citation. All because of the attitude that if they had to work on Thanksgiving, they were going to make the public pay. Shame on them!

  10. I thought the msp did this all the time? What was so special about these 5 days?

  11. That's what jealous cops do when they have to "work" on a holiday weekend that everyone else gets off. If they can't enjoy the holiday, they don't want the public to enjoy it either.


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