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Monday, October 30, 2017

Yale ‘decolonizes’ English dept. after complaints studying white authors ‘actively harms’ students

English majors no longer required to take class focused on Chaucer, Shakespeare

A year and a half after a petition circulated calling for Yale to “decolonize the English department,” the first students are enrolled in a new course created by the department to increase the breadth of the curriculum and combat claims of departmental racism.

What’s more, new requirements are in place to ensure a more “diversified” slate of courses.

Previous requirements for the major included two courses in “Major English Poets,” including Chaucer, Shakespeare, Donne, Milton and Eliot, among others. But that two-course series petitioners had deemed actively harmful due to its focus on white male poets. The series is no longer a graduation requirement for Yale’s English majors.



  1. Well, an English degree was already worthless. Now it's even more so.

  2. Time to do away with colleges as they do not "teach" anymore, they only preach propaganda. Have medical schools and technical schools so people can be taught an actual profession or trade.

  3. I hear they are going to outlaw salt and pepper, at least black pepper because it may be offensive to some people.

  4. 12:40 ---you just may be on to something. But then then what would the 'professors', and the many layers of administration do for a living? You certainly wouldn't expect them to go out into the real world and get a job would you? Oh, the thought of such cruelty!!

  5. Well you can only take so much of Maya Angelou and that over enunciated hog wash she wasn't Jame Baldwin, Eartha Kitt or James Earl Jones. There were a lot of Caged Birds that did not resort to prostitution and self aggrandizement and made a legacy of living to tell.


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