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Thursday, October 12, 2017

'Witnessing Whiteness' influencing lessons for children at St. Louis school

Using a handful of crayons, some St. Louis educators are teaching students as early as pre-kindergarten about racial differences after the teachers volunteered for "Witnessing Whiteness" training.

About half of the administration at The College School signed up for 10-week voluntary training sessions aimed at highlighting and healing racial differences between their students – from pre-kindergarten to eighth grade.

During one recent lesson, a teacher asked pre-k students to use different shades of crayons, ranging from beige to brown, to make sure the youngest students recognized different skin colors, The St. Louis American reported.

“In order for us to dismantle racism, white folks have to change,” said Vincent Flewellen, the Director of Equality and Inclusion at The College School.

More here

[Any program that ascribes most/all racism to one group is doomed to fail. Right or wrong? --Editor]


  1. TEACHING them there is a difference.
    Assigning children guilt trips and doing social engineering.
    Start them early, I think, is what Hitler recommended.
    Keep cheering!

  2. No, in order to dismantle racism we need to see people's actions as independent of their skin color.

  3. I teach my kids not to be racist but to be realist and liberals hate that.

  4. From day 1 I was taught that a person is judged by their character and not their skin color.
    Not everyone grew up hearing this.
    I would not want ANYONE teaching my children about dismantling racism but me. This world is filled up with so much crap from every far agenda seeking group that I don't trust any of them.
    I'm so glad my children are grown.
    I feel sorry for the 'teacher' who has to face my son where his children are concerned...

  5. Saying Whites are all racist is what this screams to me. Huh! So when the black community hates on another black person because they're not black enough in skin tone it's OK, but whites need to change. Anybody got a shovel for all this manure?!

  6. The Christian knows that we are all God's Children.
    Jesus Christ died for all of our sins, and every single one of us are going to heaven after we die.


    That should fix the "racial question".


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