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Monday, October 09, 2017

Will Liberals Give Weinstein the O’Reilly Treatment?

I’ll never forget the one time I laid eyes on Harvey Weinstein outside the pages of Vanity Fair. It was at a movie premiere in Manhattan in 2014. My sister and I got up before the film started for a pre-emptive bathroom run. As we left the theater, we couldn’t avoid walking past Mr. Weinstein, who was pressed up close to a younger, much smaller man in the hallway.

Mr. Weinstein was inches from the younger man, pointing fingers at his face, swearing at him and threatening him. The man being berated was flush against the wall. He stood there, taking it, not saying a word.

I’d read enough profiles of Mr. Weinstein to know about his money troubles and his gorgeous wife and his boiling temper. Still, I’d never seen a person talk to another that way. It shocked me. But the most astonishing thing about it was that this happened in public — at a Weinstein-produced movie, no less. Powerful people streamed by this shameful interaction and said nothing.

As it turns out, younger, less powerful women say his bullying, predatory behavior toward them was equally unconcealed. But it took dogged Times reporters to nail down the details and they are vile.

More here


  1. Is it just me, or are most of his "friends" Democrats?

  2. "But the real heart of his message was that he will be an even better progressive if given a second chance: “I’m going to need a place to channel that anger so I’ve decided I’m going to give the N.R.A. my full attention.” He’s also making a movie about Donald Trump.

    And if the virtue-signaling isn’t enough, the man who has bankrolled Barbara Boxer, Charles Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand — the list goes on and on — is determined to pay out much more. “One year ago, I began organizing a $5 million foundation to give scholarships to women directors” at the University of Southern California, he said, adding, “It will be named after my mom and I won’t disappoint her.” "

    So, he'll get a pass.

  3. Yes 935, the answer is YES!

  4. No they won't because all democrats are sick perverts. When Hillary's pervert husband was caught with literally a cigar in hand she vilifies the victims. Obamas knew this all along because it was a well known secret but still sent their own daughter into his den to intern. The whole time obama was campaigning all this sick ghetto liar did when it came to women's issue worried about ones concerning sex.

  5. I have only read a bit about this, but I am very reluctant to give the female victims a "pass" on not reporting his behavior. Weren't they worried about future potential victims?

    1. He admitted to it giving the excuse he grew up in the 60s everyone did it. Creepy dude


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