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Friday, October 27, 2017

Wicomico Prosecutor Files For Worcester State’s Attorney

OCEAN CITY — Wicomico County prosecutor Kristin Heiser is the first official candidate for Worcester County State’s Attorney with this week’s campaign launch.

Heiser, a former Worcester County prosecutor who, for the last six years has held the same position in Wicomico County, formally filed for Worcester County State’s Attorney last week. However, Heiser held a special campaign launch in front of the Roland E. Powell Convention Center in Ocean City on Monday.

Heiser is married to Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) Officer Jeff Heiser, one of the officers involved an incident late last month when a motorist intentionally drove at police officers who were forced to fire their service weapons at the suspect. She comes from a law enforcement background with her father being a former Washington, D.C. police captain.



  1. She can "prosecute" me anytime she wants to!

  2. she better hope Beau doesn't get appointed to one of the two judgeships in Worcester County or she won't have a chance.

  3. Everyone, every single one of us comes with baggage. Very surprised Steve had the OCPD incident included in her bio. Means nothing to the story.

  4. Something tells me she is a Democrat

  5. Anonymous said...
    That's why she is running duh

    October 27, 2017 at 3:01 PM

    Huh? Why is she running?

  6. @ 3:50 "Something tells me she is a Democrat"

    Your "something" couldn't be more wrong. She is a very conservative Republican. Her announcement speech was fantastic--she would be a great choice for State's Attorney!

  7. hey 1:20....time to move out of mommy's basement--put down the Cheetos and the video games and try to get a clue about life...women aren't impressed with stupid comments like that--she would never "prosecute" the likes of you.


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