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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Why is Jeff Sessions hiding the Uranium One informant?

Perhaps as startling as the revelation that the FBI was investigating the Hillary Clinton/Russia/Uranium One collusion and that key figures like Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe knew about it and said nothing, is the refusal by Attorney General Jeff Sessions to remove the non-disclosure agreement gag order on the FBI informant who arguably could put Bill and Hillary Clinton and a few others in federal prison.

It was said the Jeff Sessions recused himself from all things Russian because of election campaign conflicts but is it really because he thought it would insulate him from having to divulge what he knew about Uranium One and the people who at the very least knew about the deal, some who approved the deal, including past and present members of the FBI, the DOJ, and Special Counsel Robert Miller’s team? Is Jeff Sessions part of the Uranium One cover-up? If not, then he needs to explain why he is thus far refusing Sen. Chuck Grassley’s request to lift the gag order imposed by the Obama administration as part of the Uranium One cover-up:



  1. waiting for the clintons to kill him!!!

  2. Maybe he fears for his life.

  3. Lock Up the damn bastards , All involved !!!!!!!

    Treason = Giving or Selling USA Uranium !!!!! to Enemy!

  4. Back in the 40's or 50's they would get the ELECTRIC CHAIR

    just like the Rosenbergs did !!!! and Should NOW too !!!

  5. Put Hillary ,Bill , and Obama in the chair First !! LOL
    Next Pelosi ,Shumer , Cummings !!! LOL LOL

  6. Good way to Drain the swamp = Electric Chair !!


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