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Friday, October 27, 2017

Uranium One: Will Justice be Done?

Not much distance was needed to gain confirmation. The Trump-Russian collusion charges were all deception and diversion. It reeks of conspiracy. It was Plan B in the Clintons’ and Democrats’ playbook. Plan A was the election of Hillary as president. From the Oval office, she’d bury Uranium One deeper than any nuclear waste could be in Yucca Mountain.

The collusion nonsense was an attempt to frame an innocent man, Donald Trump. The principal aim: Save the necks of the Uranium One culprits. Let that sink in. We can be sure the president has.

House Republicans have just launched an investigation into the Uranium One deal. The deal happened during Obama’s tenure. That’s no coincidence -- not with Hillary Clinton around. The former president may be neck-deep in yellowcake. Uranium One is a tangled web of criminality. It appears to involve higher-ups -- elected and appointed -- on an unprecedented scale.



  1. Should be Called CLINTON ONE !!!

  2. I'll believe it when I see it! personally I believe they should be hung from the tallest tree!

  3. The swamp and MSM, CNN, MSNBC will cover it up and hide it so the Dems will not be sent to jail and punished for violating national security. These are the ones pushing anarchy.

  4. America should be ...sick and tired of Cover ups by now !!!

  5. If Russia ever drops a Nuke , It will have Hillary & Obama's
    Name on it .....They will own it , the bomb having been
    made with USA Uranium ....maybe even to be used on US !!!

  6. Nothing will be done because it's a presidents wife it's all smoke and mirrors.

  7. 9;30 sad but spot on


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