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Thursday, October 26, 2017

UPDATE: YouTube deletes Maxine Waters promise to ‘go and take out Trump’

EDITOR’S NOTE: YouTube has deleted the original video of Waters’s appearance. Another version has been embedded here and will be visible until it is removed, too.

It’s been only four months since Rep. Steve Scalise was shot by a Bernie Sanders fan, but did one of his colleagues advocate violence against the president of the United States?

The one-note impeachment minstrel Maxine Waters promised a group that benefits “homeless LGBTQ youth” that she will “take out” the president — and the liberal audience wildly applauded.

Appearing recently at the Ali Forney Center gala in New York City, it only took Waters 27 seconds before she slammed Trump.



  1. It's actually a crime threatning the President arrest her domestic enemy seditious commie arse. Dumb is no way to go thru life but shes mastered it

  2. She's a poor excuse for a leader.

  3. She needs to be removed from her position and put an end to her runny mouth she is one sick woman drain the swamp.


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