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Monday, October 02, 2017

Update on the April 28, 2017 David Watson Escape

The Wicomico County Executive has received the Maryland State Police Investigation of the events resulting in the escape of David Watson at the Clifton T. Perkins Hospital Center in Jessup, Maryland, on April 28, 2017.

After a lengthy investigation, the Maryland State Police found irregularities in standard operating procedures that resulted in corrective action for several Correctional Officers, up to termination of employment. In addition, the County Executive has ordered increased regulatory compliance audits and the retraining of correctional personnel.

County Executive Culver appreciates the thorough investigation of the incident by the Maryland State Police.


  1. I hope the Public Safety Commission nails the Administrators and Supervisors in this total disregard of Public Safety. They should also be held accountable just as severe, since it is their ultimate responsibility for training and procedures. This is another example of ECI retirees running a facility. They were very lax and lenient on procedures and how they were to handle inmates as if they were not incarcerated. The inmate was never made to follow procedures and the Correctional Officers were never made to do their job correctly because it imposed an inconvenience to the inmate. So I would like to see a follow up on the disciplinary action against the Administrators and Supervisors. Will they get nothing, as always happens, or will they be discipline just as severe. They are the reason you have all these breeches of security that has been reported on recently no matter which Correctional Facility.

  2. Still going after the small fish. Starts at the top

  3. The Director at the jail needs to be fired.


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