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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Trump Talks Welfare Crackdown: 'Some People Are Really Taking Advantage Of Our System'

During a Monday Cabinet meeting, President Donald Trump hinted at a welfare crackdown.

“Some people are really taking advantage of our system,” said Trump. “And we are going to be looking very, very strongly therefore at welfare reform.”

“People are taking advantage of the system and then other people aren’t receiving what they really need to live,” continued the president. “And we think it’s very unfair to them.”

The Republicans, who have a majority in both the House and the Senate, have yet to pass an Obamacare replacement, something they've run on for some eight years; tax reform is expected to hit Trump's desk before January 1; and legislation to seemingly legalize Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients has been tossed to Congress.



  1. People of the Eastern shore get ready to cut up your EBT cards and get something called a McDs JOB.......

  2. Please Mr. President, do more than hint. Bust that crap wide open. If needed it can be short term like it was suppose to be in the beginning, moon's ago.

  3. Its true but this when it gets blurred. Who are you going to going to cut, the working/retired family struggling to get by or those who refuse to work, using their kids, calling them crazy to get a free check? In America i gurantee it ll be the latter profiting and the first being the casualty.

  4. Laura Mitchell will be pissed.

  5. Isn't it refreshing to finally have a president that says what most Americans are thinking?

  6. All a part of draining the swamp. The liberals use welfare for votes to keep them in power. They are the ones who have ruined our country. And they are why Trump was elected President.

  7. The Blacks have always exploited the system ...They Own it !

  8. System has always been UnFair to Whites.......
    If you are White ...You got Nuttt'n Com'in !!! Fact

  9. Not just the immediate users, but the scam artist retailers who buy them for a cash discount, give the card holders enough to get by in cash or goods, then get their full value from the gov't.

  10. There goes the LOBSTER and BOOZE !!!!


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